recommendations/remedies shall be submitted to the procuring activity for consideration.
4.4.1 Inspection lot. Cylinder. An inspection lot size shall be expressed in units of cylinders of the
same size, made under similar conditions and from the same materials and components. The
sample unit shall be one cylinder. Packaged lot. An inspection lot size shall be expressed in units of one fully
prepared shipping container, containing cylinders fully prepared for delivery, made from
essentially the same materials and components. The sample unit shall be one shipping container,
containing cylinders fully prepared for delivery with the exception that it need not be sealed.
When a manufacturer is in continuous production, the inspection lot or sample lot quantities shall
be considered on a continuous run basis rather than on procurement order quantities. Breaks in
production in excess of 1 year will require re-initializing the run or lot.
4.4.2 Sampling. Sampling for test and examinations of cylinders. The sample size, acceptance
criteria, tests, and examinations required for the cylinders shall be as specified in Table I.
The sampling plan of this specification shall take precedence over the AWS D17.1 sampling
plans required for weld or radiographic inspections. Alternate sample size procedure. The purpose of this alternate sampling size
procedure is to minimize the quantity of cylinders destroyed during quality conformance testing.
Except for the determination of the quantity of samples to be tested, all other criteria listed in
Table I shall still apply. If any units are rejected under this reduced sampling size procedures, the
manufacturer shall use Table I sampling procedure for the remainder of the cylinders subject to
conformance testing. This alternative is mandatory if the previous delivery requirements (see have been met, otherwise, the standard sampling plan shall be used. To use the
alternate procedure the cylinders must be manufactured under the same processes, from the same
materials, be the same size and be manufactured at the same facilities. There is no requirement
that production be continuous or that materials shall be delivered from the same lot. For
simplicity, the variables shall be defined as follows:
A4 - the number of cylinders delivered to the Department of Defense in the last 4 years.
A3 - the number of cylinders delivered to the Department of Defense in the last 3 years.
A2 - the number of cylinders delivered to the Department of Defense in the last 2 years.
B - the current order quantity subject to quality conformance testing.
C4 - the quantity previously tested in the past 4 years.
C3 - the quantity previously tested in the past 3 years.
C2 - the quantity previously tested in the past 2 years.
D - the quantity to be tested on the current order. Exception. If the procedure of would cause more than 2% of
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