MIL-DTL-87255A(USAF) Test set-up.
The tank specified in shall be connected to the valve by piping which simulates the
resistance characteristics of the anti-G suit hose, pressure sense line (if applicable), and
applicable aircraft quick disconnect fittings. As a minimum, inlet and outlet pressure and the
applied G force (if applicable) shall be measured. Figure 5 can be used as a guide. The
pressure sensors shall have a flat frequency response from 0.0 to 1000 Hz.
TABLE III. First article inspection.
Examination or Test
Visual examination
Minimum operating acceleration force
Outlet pressure regulation
Response time
High temperature exposure
Low temperature exposure
Salt fog 1/
Internal corrosion 1/
Centrifuge testing
Endurance 1/
Disassembly and examination
1/ This test shall be considered destructive. Valves subjected to this test shall not be
considered or shipped as part of the contract or purchase order. This test shall be conducted
on new valves ready for delivery to the Government.
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