Inspection methods
Visual examination Valve.
Each valve selected as a sample unit from the lot shall be thoroughly examined visually and
checked dimensionally for defects to determine conformance to this specification with respect to
materials, design, construction, marking, and workmanship. Defects shall be classified in
accordance with table V. Dimensions and configuration.
The valves shall be examined for defects in dimensions and configuration. Any dimensions or
configuration not conforming to the requirements of the applicable assembly number of figures
1, 2 or 3, as applicable, shall be classified as a major defect.
4.5.2 Minimum operating acceleration force.
At the start of this test the press-to-test button shall be depressed to ensure air flow at the
outlet. No air flow at the outlet with the button fully depressed shall be cause for failure of this
test. The valve shall be subjected to inlet pressures of 30, 70, 150, and 300 psig. The
acceleration force required to open the valve at each inlet pressure shall be as specified in
T AB L E V. Classification of defects for visual examination of the valve.
1. Material imperfections foreign matter
201. Marking missing, insufficient,
incorrect, permanent
2. Surface unclean, rough, misaligned, or
containing crack, nicks, or other flaws.
3. Any component missing, malformed,
fractured, or otherwise damaged.
4. Any component loose or otherwise not
securely retained.
5. Incorrect assembling or improper
positioning of components.
6. Any functioning pan that works with
7. Faulty workmanship or other irregularities.
8. Linkage interference or component
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