6.4.2 Chatter.
Any rattling noise; vibration (or fluttering) in the outlet pressure, or vibration in the valve body or
mounts. This phenomenon may be associated with delayed performance of the valve.
6.4.3 Cycle.
A cycle shall consist of varying the force on the valve from 1 Gz to the maximum specified for
the specific cycle and back to 1 Gz.
6.4.4 G-force.
An inertial force on an object resulting from an applied acceleration due to gravity or reaction to
a change of direction in unit of gravitational acceleration.
a. ąGy. Acceleration acting across a body perpendicular to its long axis in a side to side
direction. Examples are a pilot in a high performance aircraft executing an uncoordinated
turn and exposure to lateral buffeting.
b. +Gz. A positive acceleration acting along the z-axis of a body. Examples are aircraft
recovery from a dive and turning maneuvers.
c. Gz. A negative acceleration acting along the negative z-axis of a body axis.
Examples are flying on outside loop and a nose-over.
6.4.5 Positive breathing for G (PBG).
Breathing gases are supplied under pressure to pilot's mask and at the same pressure to a vest
which provides counter pressure to the chest. The pressure provided is dependent on the Gz
level. A pressure sense line connects the anti-g valve to a g-compensated regulator.
Part or identifying number (PIN).
The part numbering system shall be as follows:
a. Valves designated VAU-45(V)1/A shall be identified M87255-1.
b. Valves designated VAU-45(V)2/A shall be identified M87255-2.
c. Valves designated VAU-45(V)3/A shall be identified M87255-3.
This specification covers items where shelf life is a consideration. Specific shelf-life
requirements should be specified in the contract or purchase order. The shelf-life codes are
contained in the Federal Logistics Information System Total Item Record. Additive information
for shelf-life management may be obtained from DoD 4140.27, Shelf-Life Management Manual,
or the designated shelf-life Points of Contact (POC). The POC should be contacted in the
following order: (1) the Inventory Control Points and (2) the DoD Service and Agency
administrators for the DoD Shelf-Life Program. Appropriate POCs for the DoD Shelf-Life
Program can be contacted through the DoD Shelf-Life Management website:
For Parts Inquires submit RFQ to Parts Hangar, Inc.
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